- 3 - Dimetapp Children's Cold Medicines ($3.99 ea) used three $2/1 IPs *hint, use a different email address on each to get unique codes!
- 1 - package of peanuts (filler so I could use RR) = $.59
Received $10 RR back !!! Woohoo $4 overage! :)
Trans 2:
- 3 - Dimetapp Children's Cold Medicines ($3.99 ea) used three $2/1 IPs
Received $10 RR back !!!
$8 profit today!!! :)
Get anything good today? Am I missing any deals? LMK! :) Goodnight all!!!!

2 gave me some sugar:
So are you saying that you cannot use the same coupon if the security code is the same.
Michelle, I don't know? I'm not sure as I haven't tried it.
For me it's a precaution so that it doesn't look like they're photocopied. I know I was playing with different names & emails to to get the codes different...
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