Want to mix it up? You can scroll through your favorite hash tags or view photos/videos by your favorite user. Want to view your own photos? Just type in your Instagram username and the #Cube will scroll through all of your images and videos! You can even like/favorite photos and videos via the #Cube! Just hit the heart button on the top of the screen and it's done.
Below is a picture I took of my #Cube streaming my Instagram - (a glittery manicure I had done):
#Cube requires zero attention. It automatically & continuously delivers a real-time stream of photos & video clips for you to enjoy- so it's something you can leave on all day. I love streaming mine in my office or my living room so I can catch up on outfits of the day (#ootd) by fashion bloggers or see hauls by my favorite couponers while I'm working or doing chores around the house!
Want a #Cube of your own? Click here to learn more!
* Disclosure: I received a product in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.

0 gave me some sugar:
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