La Bella Snail Extract Cosmetic Gel is a clear gel with collagen, elastin and aloe vera. It helps your skin to reproduce so it's great to put on any kind of blemish. It has almost a citrusy smell and goes on really lightly. It's great to put your face - I use it like an eye cream.
La Bella Rose Hip Oil with Vitamin E- is a liquid you put on to revive your skin. I like to put it on when I get out of the shower - it helps with dry spots and can regenerate damage skin. This is good to put on marks such as eczema or if you have any scars. It has a light, rosy scent. It can also reduce redness in skin so it's perfect for acne! I was a little nervous about this at first because it is an oil, and with combination skin I tend to shy away from anything oil based. A little goes a long way and that being said - it doesn't make my skin shiny.
La Bella Vitamin E Cream with Aloe Vera - applies like a lotion. It has a light, sweet scent and goes on smoothly. It moisturizes and soothes skin, can cool burns, reduces eczema or acne, and lessens wrinkles. It's a great every day type lotion but with the added bonus that it improves your skin!
My favorite product is the La Bella Vanishing Cream with Cocoa Butter. This product is between a mousse and a body butter. You have to rub it in a little - and it has the best scent. Sort of almondy and cocoa combined. This cream is good for stretch marks, sunspots, freckles - anything you want to hide or get rid of! It's intended for your face and hands, but I use it wherever I need it. I recently developed a couple of dime sized eczema spots on my stomach and I've interchanged this product and the Vitamin E Cream for a few days and they've basically all disappeared!
Buy it: All of these products are under $6 a piece!? Can you believe that? From the packaging to the scents, to the actual textures of the products - I couldn't believe how nice they were. Try them out and tell me what you think! La Bella can be found at drugstores or on!

* Disclosure: I received a product in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.
0 gave me some sugar:
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