Sunday, September 25, 2011

Giveaway Announcement & Giveaway Site Update

Hi All,
I have extended the EyeBuyDirect Giveaway until Monday, September 26 - so if you want to win a pair of prescription eyeglasses please feel free to enter!

You also have couple more days to enter the Squeem Shapeware Giveaway!

Also, I am going to be changing my Giveaway Link Up Directory - if you have a giveaway link up site and you would like to be included please comment on this post with your static link and the day your giveaway link up is featured.

Thanks and hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

1 gave me some sugar:

Tiffany: Diva Locks said...

hello I have a giveaway going on right now on my blog for two hand made headbands it ends 10/01/11 at 12:01 EST

and it started today