I was recently given the opportunity to try out the club and I'm pretty impressed! I wasn't sure I'd take advantage of it as much as I am but I've really been using it a lot. In the past, before I had the card I usually wouldn't really bother with silver coins. Sure here and there I'd use one, but for the most part I found I was forgetting my coins at home or forgetting to give them to the cashier. Now that I'm a Silver Savings Club Member all I have to do is handover my card (which replaces my original club card) and it accounts for all the silver coins I would have used that day. (Of course it also allows me to get in on all the regular sales too).
Since becoming a Silver Savings Club Member I've found I've gotten in on a lot more of the silver coin deals - sometimes buying multiple. I especially love it when I buy milk every week! (Garelick Farms Half Gallons are $1.88 with a silver coin) It's so nice not to have to count how many coins I have in my purse before I hunt for deals! And for $20 a year, I think the savings is worth it. So far, in about a month and a half I've used about 9 silver coins and (which is about a $1 savings per coin). If you multiply that over the rest of the year I will have saved more than the $20 cost. How can you go wrong?
Want to check out more silver coin deals? You can check out the silver/gold coin booklet in store or online!
Want to find out more about the Silver Savings Club? Click here for more details!

Disclaimer: I was provided with a product in order to write this review. All opinions are my own.
0 gave me some sugar:
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