Monday, February 7, 2011

Big Y Deals (2/3 - 2/9)

  • 1 - Dragone Ricotta (@ $3) used $.55/1 printable doubled = $1.90
  • 1 - Philly Cream Cheese = $1.50
  • 6 - Breyers Yogurt (@ $.99, B1G2Free) = $1.98/6
  • 3 - Lean Cuisines (@ $1.64 ea) used $1/3 mfc (January All You?) = $3.92 ($1.30 ish ea)
  • 1 - V8 Soup (@ $2.50) used $1/1 (January All You) = $1.50
  • 1 - Package of deli pepperoni = $1.26
  • 2 - Bags of Peanuts (@ $2.50, B1G1F) = $2.50
Total: $14.56
Total remaining in February 2011 grocery budget: $111.84

0 gave me some sugar: