A little about Rubbermaid TakeAlongs:
- Contains the perfect variety of sizes to suit everyday storage uses including sandwiches, leftover, crafts, gifts and yummy goodies
- Every container has the Quik Clik Seal that ensure the lid clicks in place to secure the contents
- The bases have graduation marks for easy measuring and the lids are ridged for easier stacking
- Priced right so there is no worry about giving them away or accidentally losing them
- The containers are microwave, top rack dishwasher and freezer safe
- TakeAlongs are available Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart, grocery stores, drug stores and clubs.
- Easy, one-handed operation.
- Assorted set of eight
- Fine Point colors let you click away with the color of your choice.
- Available wherever office products are sold
Win it: One lucky Frugal & Fabulous reader will win a Rubbermaid & Sharpie holiday prize pack including: a 15 piece Rubbermaid TakeAlong set, a Sharpie Retractable Marker Set some Sharpie Pen Retractables and a Sharpie Stainless Steel Permanent Marker!
To enter please leave me a comment with:
*Your name
*Your email/blog contact
*Tell me what treats you are baking/making this holiday season!
Want more chances to win? For extra entries you may:
1. Tell me your favorite item from the Rubbermaid or Sharpie® sites
2. Subscribe to my blog via email or feedburner (top right hand corner of this site) or follow me on blogger (one entry for each, current subscribers/followers too!)
3. Blog about this giveaway and on your blog or website (= 2 extra entries!) {Blogger users- you can use the 'link to post' option at the bottom of this post'}
4. Add my button or link to your blog/site!
5. Follow @lindsfrugalfab on Twitter!
6. Tweet about it! Here's an easy copy and paste: {Frugal&Fabulous is giving away a Rubbermaid & Sharpie Holiday Gift Pack! Enter here: http://tinyurl.com/243p4cp @lindsfrugalfab} (Or use tweet option at top of post!)
7. Become a fan of Frugal & Fabulous or Sharpie and/or Rubbermaid on facebook! (Current fans too, one entry for each!)
(Please leave a separate comment for each additional entry!)
You have until Monday, December 20@ 7pm EST to enter! (Winner must respond within 48 hours.) Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.
Disclaimer: I was provided with a prouduct in order to write this review. All opinions are my own.

110 gave me some sugar:
I am making red velvet cake balls this Christmas. I love these containers for sharing. Thanks!
I love the rubbermaid storage totes for winter decorations. Thanks!
I subscribe to your blog through Google Reader. Thanks!
I'm making peanut butter reindeer cookies for a cookie swap on Sunday!
I follow you through GFC
Follow you on Twitter! (@charlestonmegan)
Love the Sharpie metallic pens!
I am making sugar cookies with christmas themed decorations and chocolate chip cookies to relive the stress of the holidays :)
I love the Easy find lid containers from Rubbermaid.
I like the Sharpie calligraphic markers that I use on my cards all the time.
fI'm making several kinds of cookies: chocolate chip, peanut butter, Mexican wedding rings, spice roll-out, spritz, and oatmeal,
kg4rmt at arrl dot net
I love the Sharpie Pens.
I'm subscribed via Google Reader.
I'm a fan of Frugal & Fabulous on Facebook
i like rum balls!
monicabozsik at yahoo dot com
monicabozsik at yahoo dot com
i like the fine point sharpies
monicabozsik at yahoo dot com
I am making spritz cookies and they will fit perfectly in the rubbermaid containers!
I am an email subscriber.
My favorite items are the rubbermaid containers and the sharpie metallic pens - perfect combination.
I am going to try and make cookies...
Not sure how that will work
I will be making some chocolate Peanut Butter Balls and Peppermint Bark.
Email subscriber.
Feed subscriber.
Follower GFC.
Fan of you on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)
Fan of Sharpie on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)
Fan of Rubbermaid on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)
Love the Reveal Spray Mop from Rubbermaid.
Love the Fine Point Permanent Maker from Sharpie.
I love food storage containers and those produce saver ones look wonderful.
Finally I'll be able keep things crisper but let it get some air and not wilt.
I follow via Google Friend Connect.
I subscribe via email.
I have your button on my blog
I follow @lindsfrugalfab on Twitter.
I also make cookies for the Holidays.
Coconut macaroons and I'm not sure which other types this year.
I usually make pecan pie so I might make little pecan pie tartletsI(cookie sized)this year...yah, that sounds good.lol
I tweeted your giveaway....
I like you on Facebook....
I "Like" Sharpie on Facebook.
I "like" Rubbermaid on Facebook.
For the holiday, I go simple -- chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies! Nothing complicated ;-)
Fav item from Rubbermaid: Premier food storage container!
jenn.1105@yahoo.com (Jennifer)
Already subscribed to your emails!
jenn.1105@yahoo.com (Jennifer)
Already follow your page on FB :-)
jenn.1105@yahoo.com (Jennifer)
we are planning on doing chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies and cupcakes
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net
oops my name is nan
gfc follower
at rubbermaid i like the medium deck box with seat
MarilynsMoney here! I'm making cut out cookies and apricot Slovak cookies! mjjaegly@yahoo.com
New twitter follower, marilynjaegly,mjjaegly@yahoo.com
Tweet:http://twitter.com/#!/marilynjaegly/status/14442059914027008 mjjaegly@yahoo.com
My fav Rubbermaid are the totes. I got one from my mom and I do believe it will last forever, mjjaegly@yahoo.com
I go by Lucid Obsession with the email lucidobsession@gmail.com at the blog http://sextoygeek.net/
This holiday me and my mom will make Peanut Butter Balls, Oreo Balls, Precher Cookies, and probably some kind of fudge
I follow with Google Friend Connect as Lucid Obsession
I follow via RSS with Google Reader as lucidobsession@gmail.com
I subscribe via email as lucidobsession@gmail.com
I follow you on Twitter as lucidobsession
Tweeted 12/16 - http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/15612353139703808
I liked you on Facebook as Lucid Obsession
I liked Sharpie on Facebook as Lucid Obsession
I liked Rubbermaid on Facebook as Lucid Obsession
making rice krispie treats..
love the new sharpie-- 80's Glam Fine Point Permanent Marker Collection
thanks for sharing and happy holidays to all.
*Selective Sensualist (my online name)
*selectivesensualist(at)yahoo(dot)com (no blog yet!)
*I'll be making my fabulous cream cheese brownies and sugar cookies with frosting
I will be making buckeyes and truffles
Gina P
Ginasweepsit at aol dot com
I love the limited edition 80's retro color sharpies!!
Gina P
Ginasweepsit at aol dot com
I'm an email subscriber
Gina P
Ginasweepsit at aol dot com
I follow you on GFC
Gina P
Ginasweepsit at aol dot com
I follow you on Twitter
@ ginasweepsit
Gina P
Ginasweepsit at aol dot com
I like you on FB
Gina P
Ginasweepsit at aol dot com
I like Sharpie on FB
Gina P
Ginasweepsit at aol dot com
I go by namelesschaos my E-mail is namedbychaos@aol.com and I run the blog: www.namelesschaos.com
I'm making black bean brownies. Yes you read that correctly Google it they actually quite tasty.
stanech at gmail dot com
I am baking some brownies and lemon bars
My favorite item from the Sharpie retractable fine point black pen - it's the best for drawing and writing in holiday greeting cards, which I love to do! Thank you hosting this fun giveaway! pennyzeni(at)gmail(dot)com
Subscribed to your blog via email
Subscribed to your blog via feedburner
Subscribed to your blog via blogger/Google Friend Connect pennyzeni(at)gmail(dot)com
Your cute button is on my blog, right column: http://pennyzeni.wordpress.com/ pennyzeni(at)gmail(dot)com
Following you on Twitter (@pennyzeni)
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/PennyZeni/statuses/16409902280876033
Fan of your blog on Facebook (Penny Zeni) pennyzeni(at)gmail(dot)com
Fan of your blog on Facebook (Penny Zeni) pennyzeni(at)gmail(dot)com
Fan of Sharpie on Facebook (Penny Zeni) pennyzeni(at)gmail(dot)com
Fan of RubberMaid on Facebook (Penny Zeni) pennyzeni(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks again!
Blogged about your giveaway: http://pennyzeni.wordpress.com/2010/12/19/rubbermaid-sharpie-holiday-goodies-pack-at-frugalandfabulous-org/
Blogged 2:
I'm making gingerbread cookies, fudge and Oreo truffles.
jonnausa at hotmail dot com
I love Rubbermaid Lock-its.
I'm not doing any baking this year, but I will be making a huge pot of sauce for our stuffed shell.
Thanks for the giveaway……
Happy Holidays!
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
My favorite Rubbermaid items are the Produce Savers.
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
FB fan of Frugal & Fabulous
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
FB fan of Rubbermaid
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
FB fan of Sharpie
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
I'm making cake balls and these chocolate "spider" candies!
I really like the keychain sharpies!
I am making soup in a jar for coworkers
i subscribe ny email
I am making brownie covered oreos this year!
I subscribe via email (nscandurro AT cox DOT net)
I love the Rubbermaid Easy-Find lids products.
I'm making mint krinkles :-)
an_original_username at comcast dot net
I'm making brownies and creme brulee! :_)
My favorite are the retractable sharpies. So neat.
I follow with GFC as Leah.
I subscribe to your blog with google reader.
I subscribe to your blog via email ducks.are.people.too at gmail dot com.
I blogged about this here
I blogged about this here
I have your button havensinformer.blogspot.com
I follow you on twitter @HavensTwit.
I like you on facebook as Tee Jay.
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