- 1 - Dozen Big Y Eggs = $2.39
- 2 - Hood Cottage Cheeses (@ 3/$5) used $1/2 IP = $2.34 ($1.17 ea)
- 5 - Bags of Kraft Shredded Cheese (clearanced to $1.74 ea) used $5/5 Kraft IP = $3.70 ($.74 ea)
- 1 - Mini Baybel Cheese (@ $2.50) used $1/1 = $1.50
- 3 - Nesquik Chocolate Milks (@ $1.00 ea) used three $.50/1 mfc's doubled = FREE!
- 2 - Valio 64oz Milks (@ $2.99 ea) used $1.50/2 Big Y CRT and two $1/1 mfcs = $2.48 ($1.24 ea!)
- 2 - Heluva Good Cheese Bars (@ $2.00 ea) used two $.50/1 IPs doubled = $2.00 ($1.00 ea)
- 1 - Michelangelo Lasagna = $1.99
- 2 - Barber Chicken Stuffed Chicken Breasts (@ $2.50 ea) used $1/2 IP = $4.00 ($2.00 ea)
- 1 - Bag of 9Lives Dry Cat Food (@ $3.50) used $1/1 mfc = $2.50
- 2 - Cans of Big Y Brand Carrots (@ $.50 ea) = $1.00
- 2 - Maltomeal Cereals (@ $1.79 ea) used two $.75/1 IPs doubled = $.58 ($.29 ea!)
- 2 - Cap'n Crunch Cereals (@ $1.69 ea) used $1/2 mfc = $2.38 ($1.19 ea)
- 1 - Box of Quaker Oatmeal (@ $2.50 ea) used $.75/1 doubled (found in box prev.) = $1.00
- 1 - Box of Quaker Mini Delights (@ $2.50 ea) used $1/1 doubled (found w/ other quaker q's) = $1.50
- 1 - Tabasco Sauce (@ $1.25) used $.75/1 doubled = FREE (-$.25)
- 4 - Boxes of Quaker Life Cereals (@ $1.69 ea) used two $1/2 mfcs (again, found in oatmeal box) = $4.76 ($1.19 ea)
- 2 - Big Y Ground Coffees (@ $2.50 ea) = $5.00
- 2 - Whiskas Cat Foods (@ $.50 ea) used B1G1F mfc = $.50 ($.25 ea)
- 1 - Huge bottle of Ibuprofen = $4.00
- 1 - Hormel Cooked Bacon (@ $2.50) used $.75/1 IP doubled = $1.00
- 2 - Packages of Perdue Chicken Nuggets ($2.50 ea) used two $.75/1 mfcs doubled = $2.00 ($1.00 ea)
- 1 - Bag of Big Y Spinach = $1.50
After coupons my total was: $47.37
Total remaining in September 2010 budget: $78.65
I was thrilled to stock up on this trip -especially on cereal! My stockpile has been getting really low and though $1.19 is more than I'd normally pay - it's much better than full price!
Did you get anything good at Big Y this week? LMK! :)
(See more of the deals I was looking at on my Big Y preview post!)

0 gave me some sugar:
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