A few good deals at Big Y this week:
- 1 - Bag of Crystal Farms Shredded Cheese (@ $2.00) used $1/1 IP = $1.00
- 1 - Newman's Own Lemonade (@ $1.67) used $.50/1 IP = $.67
- 3 - Hood Cottage Cheeses (@ $2.00 ea) used three $1/1 mfcs (8/1 RP) = $3.00 ($1.00 ea)
- 2 - Frigo String Cheese (@ $4.99 B1G1) used two $1/1 mfcs (5/2 SS) = $2.99
- 2 - Mrs. T's Pierogis (@ $2.00 ea) used two $1/1 mfcs (6/1 RP) = $2.00 ($1.00 ea)
- 1 - World Classics Pepperoni = $1.74
- .51 lb Green Beans (@ $.99/lb) = $.50
- 3 - Nectarines (1.2 lbs @ $.98/lb) = $1.18
- 1 - Head of Garlic (.18 lb @ $3.99/lb ) = $.72
Total remaining in August 2010 budget: $73.78
Get anything good at Big Y this week? LMK!

0 gave me some sugar:
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