Monday, May 17, 2010

Menu Plan Monday! (5/17-5/21)

Here's what I'm planning on making this week:

Monday: A modified version of these Pizza Biscuits

Tuesday: French Toast Casserole (recipe soon!)

Wednesday: Campbell's Cheesy Chicken & Rice Casserole

Thursday: Burgers/Chicken on the grill, with vegetables and TBD side

Friday: Artichoke Spinach Lasagna (I didn't get to it last week!)

What's on your menu plan this week?

1 gave me some sugar:

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your menu plans!! I usually try to follow them for my family! keep 'em coming!! :)

Thanks for the WoNdErFuL blog!!