- 2 - Bags of Lay's Potato Chips (@ $3.99, B1G1F) = $3.99
- 1 - Bag of Rold's Gold (@ $2.99) used free wyb two Lays tearpad coupon = FREE!
- 2 - Friendship Cottage Cheeses (@ $1.50 ea) used $1/2 = $2.00
- Potato salad ( a little less than half a pound @ $2.99/lb & used silver coin = $.91
- A little less than a full pound of WC BBQ Chicken Breast (with silver coin) = $5.45
- 2 - Bags of Club Rolls (4 each for $1.99, B1G1 free) = $1.99
- 1 - Package of Big Y Sliced Provolone = $2.00
- 2 - Bags of Sargento Shredded Cheese (@ $3.29, B1G1F) = $3.29
- 6 - Breyer's Yo Crunch Yogurts (@ $.89 ea, B1G2F) = $1.78 for 6
- 1 - Jar of Classico Pesto = $2.14
- 2 - Friskie's Indoor (marked down to $.37) used B1G1F coupon = $.37 for two
- 5 - Reese's Dark Chocolate PB Cups (@ $.99) used five $.55/1 doubled to price = FREE!
- 1 - Bag of Carrots = $.50
- 3 - Bags of Fresh Express Salad (@ $3.59, B1G2F) used free item mfc coupon = FREE!
Total remaining in May 2010 budget: #125.56
P.S. My little troublemaker has struck again... can you see him?

0 gave me some sugar:
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