- 1/2 lb of American Cheese (@ $2.88) used silver coin = $2.40
- 1 - Package of Kaiser Rolls = $1.99
- 1 -Quart of Valio Lactose Free Milk (@ $2.29) used $1/1 = $1.29
- 2 - Hood Cottage Cheese (@ $2.00 ea) used two $.50/1 IPs doubled = $2.00 ($1.00 ea)
- 1/2 lb of Big Y Chicken Salad = $3.70
- 2 - Packages of Hot Pocket Super Shots (@ $2.00 ea) used $1/2 = $3.00 ($1.50 ea)
- 1 - Package of Big Y Italian Bread = $.99
- 1 - Box of Celestial Seasonings Green Tea (@ $2.50) used $1/1 MFC = $1.50
- 1 - Bag of Free Express Salad (@ $3.59)used free item mfc = FREE!
- 1 - Box of Olivia's Spinach Salad (@ $.99) used $1/1 tearpad coupon = FREE!
Total remaining in April 2010 budget: $59.66

0 gave me some sugar:
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