Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I Love You Pandora!

I love Pandora!!! No, not the overpriced bracelets, the music station! :)

But let me back up! For Christmas last year I bought my husband a Roku Box. If you aren't familiar with it, it's a box that connects to your Netflix account over the internet so that you can stream movies and TV shows instantly. (It retails for around $100 on Amazon) The box is great, and we've gotten a lot of use out of it. But the best part about the Roku is that it is constantly growing and changing.....

And now you can stream Pandora free internet radio right from your TV! I had never used Pandora before but DH and I are totally hooked now. The way it works is you create your own stations by selecting your favorite band or artist. Based on what you pick, they generate music they think you will like. You can then say whether you like it or not, as well as bookmark specific artists. Above is my favorite favorite favorite station. By selecting this artist, Pandora generated a station that plays all of my favorite tunes. I usually put it on and clean the house or hang out or whatever. I almost always love the songs they pick out for me - it's like magic! But if you don't like a particular song you can skip it - (unfortunately you can only skip a limited amount per hour). And you can always change the station and try again with something else.

Don't have a Roku Box? You can stream Pandora radio right through your computer! Click here to start creating your own stations!

What are you listening to these days? Holiday music? Do you use Pandora? LMK! :)

6 gave me some sugar:

Idaho Jill said...

I love Pandora...and Slacker. I used to listen to Pandora all the time, then they started charging if you listened over 40 hours a month (I listen to it at work, so that's how much I listen each week!). I was going to pay for it, but then won a year membership to Slacker...so, when that's over, I'll probably go back to Pandora. I really really like it, too!

Jamie @ I Am A Money Magnet said...

I love Pandora too! I listen to it on my iPhone at work all the time. I love it because I'm able to listen to all my favorite songs for free :)

GroverFamily said...

We love Pandora too!!

Victoria said...

I found Pandora through a link one of my friends posted on Facebook...it's REALLY an awesome site!

My DH's parents have a Roku...it's so cool and convenient! The only thing I didn't like is that, if I remember correctly, the Netflix movies didn't include captions and my DH is hard-of-hearing so we NEED the darn closed captions. :/

Unknown said...

I love Pandora too! What did we ever do without it?

Anonymous said...

I enjoy Pandora as well! I listen to it while I get ready in the morning. Much better than the radio and you can pick the songs you like and don't like as well as stations! I have been listening to the Rob Thomas station lately!