Do your hands ever get so dry that they crack or hurt? Did you ever think that maybe your lotion isn't doing enough?
Why SkinMD Natural Lotion is different than other lotions (According to SkinMD's web site):
"Unfortunately, traditional lotions have one basic goal - to simply make up for the moisture that our bodies are losing by adding an external source of moisture. Many common household products and even soaps are absorbed directly into your skin, causing skin disorders or just plain dry cracked skin.
There are thousands of skin irritants in our modern environment that can strip the protective barrier off your skin causing dry skin, eczema and other skin problems. These changes in our environment have brought about the need for a new type of dry skin care solution – a shielding lotion. SkinMD Natural works with your skin to moisturize and heal.
Over time, the body can become dependent on artificial moisturizers. This can leave your skin less able to handle breakouts and cracking. SkinMD lotion shields against irritants in the environment by creating a breathable barrier your skin."
This lotion is made from all-natural ingredients and is hypoallergenic, so it works well for all types of skin! You can use it on your face or body, and it's made for everyone - adults and children!
One lucky Frugal & Fabulous reader will win their bottle of SkinMD Natural lotion!

*Your name
*Your email/blog contact
*Comment with the words "SHIELD ME"
Want more chances to win? For extra entries you may:
1. Tell me one thing you learned from the SkinMD website.
2. Subscribe to my blog via email or feedburner (top right hand corner of this site) or follow me on blogger (one entry for each)
3. Enter one of my other current giveaways and come back and tell me which one you entered!
4. Link to this giveaway from your blog or website (= 2 extra entries!)
5. Add my button to your blog or web site
6. Follow @lindsfrugalfab Twitter and tweet about it! Here's an easy copy and paste:
{ Frugal&Fabulous is giving away SkinMD Natural Lotion http://tinyurl.com/yhd2zgv @lindsfrugalfab} (Or use tweet option at top of post!)
7. Become a fan of Frugal & Fabulous on facebook
8. Add the Frugal & Fabulous holiday gift guide logo to your blog.
(Please leave a separate comment for each additional entry!)
You have until Monday, Dec. 14 @ 7pm EST to enter! (Winner must respond within 48 hours.) Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.
*I have not tried this product. I was not compensated for this post.*

80 gave me some sugar:
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I would love to try this, my hands are always dry and cracked.
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anddddd "Sheild me." :P
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Risingsouth at aol dot com
Oh, please shield me!
Risingsouth at aol dot com
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Oh boy do I need this product - when I learned that it was hypoallergenic my eyes popped! I need a good lotion for dry skin and one that is nonallergenic! I learned that this is the answer!
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I think I need this lotion to SHIELD ME from the frigid weather we're having here today!!
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I learned that skinMD Natural Shielding lotion becomes part of the outer layer of skin when applied and helps to prevent irritants from penetrating while still allowing the skin to breathe.
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I wear sunblock everyday to SHIELD ME from the sun!
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Skin MD Natural moisturizes 6 times better than products that contain glycerin. Really have to try this stuff!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
SHIELD ME! (please?) :)
I just entered the N-Fini giveaway!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Crissa Robertson
I learned that most soaps and cleansers contain things that strip away protective elements of the outer layer of skin.
I entered the SleepyHeads pajamas giveaway.
I would love to try this!!
I learned With Skin MD Natural™
irritants are kept - OUT, moisture - IN, making it
the perfect dry skin care product.
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My hands are always dry in the winter.
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I learned that skinMD Natural Shielding lotion becomes part of the outer layer of skin when applied.
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I learned that a shielding lotion keeps irritants away from the skin.
monicabozsik at yahoo dot com
I entered Rugs USA giveaway.
monicabozsik at yahoo dot com
Skin MD Natural moisturizes 6 times better than products that contain glycerin.
I entered your N-fini Shapewear giveaway.
Shield me from the cold 50 degree winter in Florida!
allisone dot cox at gmail dot com
I learned that most soaps and cleansers contain things that strip away protective elements of the outer layer of skin.
mju2u at yahoo dot com
I entered your N-fini Shapewear giveaway.
mju2u at yahoo dot com
I am loving subscribing by email.
I have winter hands and would love to try this!
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I need a good lotion for my dry skin.
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