Here's what I bought at Big Y this week:
- 1 - Big Y Gallon of Milk (@ $2.49)
- 1 - Big Y Half Gallon of Choc. Milk (@ $2.59) used free wyb 1 gallon of milk IP (cashier took off $3.75??)= $1.33 (for both)
- 6- Bumble Bee Light Tuna (@ $1.19 ea) used six $1/1 MFCs = $1.14 ($.19 ea)
- 1 - Big Y Half Caf Coffee (for DH) = $1.99
- 1 - College Inn Culinary Broth (@ $1.59) used $1/1 homemailer = $.59
- 1 - Carpelli EVOO (@ $6.99) = $6.99
- 1 - Pint of grape tomatoes (@ $.99) used free wyb Carpelli Olive Oil winetag = FREE
- 1 - Cascade Crystal Clear (@ $4.29) used free item coupon (Home Made Simple) = FREE
- 2 - Velveeta Cups (@ $1.39 ea) used two free item coupon (Kraft first taste) =FREE
- 1 - .51/lb of Broccoli (@ .70/lb) = $.35
- 1 - Package of Baby Bella Mushrooms =$.98
- 1 - Package of Kashi Oatmeal cookies (DH's fave!) @ $2.50, used $1/1 peeli = $1.50
Total: $14.85
Total left for August 2009 budget: $111.33
*They also have World Classics Brand Shredded Cheese at 3/$5 - which is a great price! {too bad I already have about 7 bags stocked up... ;) }
Stay tuned to see what I cooked with this! :)

0 gave me some sugar:
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