(And there will be more with this weeks' sale!!!)
- 2 - Packages of Styrofoam cups (@ $1.00 ea) = $2.00
- 1 - Chinet Crystal Clear 24 pack of cups (@ $2.00) used $1/1 and doubler = FREE
- 1 - Chinet Lunch Plate (@ $2.50) used $2/1 Chinet Lunch Plate coupon =$.50
- 1 - Marcal Smart Steps Tissues ($1.89) used free up to $1.59 MFC = $.30
- 1 - Buitoni Pesto (was supposed to be $3.49, rang up $4.59) used $1/1 and doubler = $2.59**
- 1 - Package of Perdue Chicken Cutlets ($2.99) used $1/1 MFC and doubler = $.99
- 2 - Granny Smith Apples (@ $.98/lb) = $.82
Total left for June 2009 budget: $22.25
**One reason to ALWAYS check your receipt before leaving the store!

0 gave me some sugar:
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