These are the deals I will be checking out a Big Y this week:
- Silk All Natural SoyMilk - 2 FOR $5.00 (Use $1.00/1 in 03-22-09 SS)
- Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice - $1.99 (LIMIT 3)
- Big Y Sour Cream - $1.00
- Chobani Non Fat Greek Yogurt - 10 FOR $10.00 (Use $.50/6 IP)
- Coffee-mate Flavored Non Dairy Creamer (32 oz)- 2 FOR $6.00 $1.00/1 IP or $1.50/2 IP
- Crystal Farm Liquid Eggs - 2 FOR $4.00
- Friendship Cottage Cheese - 5 FOR $10.00 (Use $1.00/1 or $1.00/2 in 04-05-09 SS)
- Mission Tortillas - 30% OFF (Use $1.00/1 in 01-04-09 SS)
- Yoplait GoGurt or Fiber One - 4 FOR $10.00 (Use $1.00/1 in 04-19-09 SS)
- Yoplait Yo-Plus - 4 FOR $10.00 (Use $1.50/1 IP)
- Edy's Ice Cream - Buy 1 Get 1 FREE
- Boneless Chicken Breast - $1.99 lb
- Perdue Roaster Chicken- $0.99/lb.
- Hood Simply Smart Milk $2.50 ($1.00/1 in 03-08-09 SS)
- Fresh Express Crisp Iceberg Garden Salad - 98¢ (Look for $1/1 tearpads!)
- Big Y Tortillas - 2 FOR $2
- Nabisco Wheat Thins - $1.99 (Use $1.00/2 in 03-15-09 SS or look for $1.00/2 tearpads!)
- Tostitos Family Size Tortilla Chips - $1.99
- Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread - $1.99 (Use $.40/1 or $1.00/2 in 02-22-09 SS)
- St. Ives Body Wash - 5 FOR $10.00 (Use $1.00/1 or $1.50/1 in 03-22-09 SS)
- Top Care Ibuprofen Tablets - 10 FOR $10.00
- Arm & Hammer Fresh 'n Soft Fabric Softener Sheets - 10 FOR $10.00 -(Use $1.00/2 in 04-19-09 SS)
Am I missing something? LMK!

2 gave me some sugar:
Does your Big Y take IPs? Mine doesn't :(
Yeah they do. But granted how evil they are I say it's only a matter of time before they don't! :(
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