- 5- Marcal Single Rolls ($.89 ea) used five free up to $1 coupons = FREE
- 5 - Marcal 4 packs (raincheck from last week @ $1 ea ) used five $1/1 MFCs = FREE
- 2 - St. Ives Body Washes ($2 ea) used $1/1 MFC and two doubler coupons from flier= FREE
- 1 - 100 calorie Del Monte fruit ($1.29) used free item coupon maxed at $1.17 = $.12
- 2 - Bags of Fresh Express Salad ($.98 ea) used two $1/1 coupons found near display = FREE
- Tax = $.10
**Update** I also purchased some ice cream and a mango @ Price Rite = -$2.77
Total left for April 2009 budget: $113.97
Big Y has gotten absolutely ridiculous with their coupon policies.... I think I will be shopping there less and less.

5 gave me some sugar:
I can't find the Marcal single roll or 4 packs anywhere :( Has anyone found them at major stores like WalMart or Target? The grocery stores in my area don't carry these products.
Hi CJ, the only other place I've found them is Family Dollar. Do you have one of those?
Lindsay- does family dollar accept coupons? I got paper towels by that brand last week at K-Mart doubles and love them. Best cheap paper towels I have used. Didn't see the toilet paper though
So Big Y took the $1 coupons?? They said up to .99 cents on them. Hmmm...I wish I would have tried! :o)
Couponkate, Yes they do accept coupons. They usually allow me to get 3 or so at a time. I have only bought paper towels there but I believe they carry tissues, and I'm not sure about the tp. Good luck!
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