- 1 - Package of Boneless Chicken Breasts (4.30lbs @ $1.69/lb) = $7.27!
- 1 - Package of Swiss Cheese = $1.99
- 1 - Bag of Pizza Dough = $.89
- 1 - Loaf of Italian Bread = $1.49
- 1 - Can of Crushed Pineapple = $.89
- 1 - Sweet Potato/Yam? (@ 3lbs/$1.00) =$.36
- 1.21 lbs of bananas (@ $.54/lb) = $.66
- 1 - Bag of Garlic = $.99
Trans 2:

- 2 - Bricks of cheese @ $1.29 ea = $2.58
- 2 - Bricks of cheese @ $1.89 ea (grr! my mistake!) = $3.78
- 2 - Bricks of Cream Cheese (@ $.79 ea) = $1.58
- 2 - Perdue Buffalo Bites ($1.50 ea!!!!) = $3.00
Amount left in April 2009 budget: $89.92

0 gave me some sugar:
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