Monday, March 16, 2009

Menu Plan Monday! (3/16-3/22)

Sunday(last night): Bacon Wrapped Chicken, baked potatoes, salad

Monday: Pumpkin Penne with Rosemary

Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner- pancakes, turkey sausage, fruit

Wednesday: Garlic-Lemon Double Stuffed Chicken

Thursday: Chicken Enchilada Casserole

Friday: Pizza or TBD! :)

Saturday: TBD! (Got an idea for me? LMK!)

ps: check out more meal planning ideas at Menu Plan Monday!

5 gave me some sugar:

$5 Dinner Mom said...

Have a great week! I hope you enjoy that Bacon Wrapped Chicken! It was delish!!!


Michelle said...

The whole week looks dee-lish---you got me drooling again over the bacon wrapped chicken ! just the site of that picture and I hear myself saying "oooohhhhh....baaaacoooonnn" :)

Sue said...

Oh you're making the double stuffed chicken!! YUM!! You have to let me know how it turns out. I was thinking of that for next week's menu... :o)

mom_of2boys said...

Your menu looks great! Have a great week!

Unknown said...

Enjoying my day off, doing some MPM blog visiting and listening to Dr. Laura's radio show.
I hope that you have beautiful spring weather in your neck of the woods.