Thursday, February 5, 2009

Start of Feb budget: Price Rite 2/1/09

I'm playing a little bit of catch up - I haven't been feeling very well this week so bear with me! :) Anyway, a few goodies from my favorite discount store!

  • 3.43lb - Chicken at $1.69lb = $5.80
  • 2 - bricks of cream cheese ($.99 ea) = $1.98
  • 1 - 16 oz Ranch dressing = $1.00
  • 1 - bag of garlic = $.99
  • 1lb - yellow onions @ $.69 = $.69
  • Bananas (@ $.54) = $.81
  • 2 - vanilla puddings @3/$1.00 = $.67
Total: $11.94

Amount left for February budget: $138.06

0 gave me some sugar: