Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rite Aid 2-24

  • 1- Fructis Wonder Waves Shampoo ($2.99) used $1/1 = $1.99*
  • 4- Bags of Valentines Day Kisses (clearanced @ $.79 ea) used two $2/2 MFCs = -$.21 ea! THANKS Laurie for the tip!
  • 2 - Ziactin Gel pain relievers ($4.99 ea) = $9.98*
  • 1- Rain check for Soy Joy bars...*
Total: $11.13 + $.60 tax = $11.73
Will receive $12.97 back from Single Check Rebate

Total left for February Budget: $30.09

p.s.: *=free after rebate!

1 gave me some sugar:

Tonja said...

That is awsome that you get so many great deals!

I gave you an award over ron my blog! Happy Wednesday!