Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rite Aid 2-14

I bought:
  • 1 - Nivea Cherry Chapstick (only one I could find, hope it works! @ $2.99) used $.50/1 coupon found by display= $2.49 (*will receive $2 back from Rite Aid Rebate Program)
  • 1 - Fructis Hairspray ($2.99) used $1/1 MFC =$1.99 (and will receive $2.99 back from Rite Aid rebate program)
  • 1 - Finesse Conditioner ($2.99) used $.75/1 MFC = $2.24 (will receive $2 rebate)
  • 1- box of Durex condoms ($6.00) (will receive $6 rebate back)
  • 1 - RA Garlic Powder ($.50) hey, I needed some! :)
  • 3 - Bayer Low Dose Aspirins ($1.99 ea) used three $1/1 MFCs = $2.97 (should hopefully receive $10 gift card back= rebate #43)
Total OOP = $16.19 and $.82 tax = $17.01
Will hopefully receive $22.99 ($10 gift card and a $12.99 Rite Aid Rebate Check)

***I just received an $8.99 rebate check from last month so I will put that towards my budget and subtract the remaining $8.02 from my February budget.

Total remaining in February budget: $87.12

0 gave me some sugar: