Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What can you buy for $4.57? S&S edition

  • 8 - assorted boxes of Pillsbury brownies (sale price $1.00 ea) used four $.75/2 (doubled) coupons I received from a trade = $2.00 ($.25 a box!!!!)
  • 1 - light cranberry juice (sale price $1.67) used $.55/1 doubled = $.57
  • 4 - Del Monte Fruit cups (sale price $1.00 ea) used two $1.00/2 coupons = $2.00 ($.50 ea)*
Total: $4.57
Total before savings (reg prices included): $20.79
Total savings: $16.22

Grocery budget left for the month: $128.34

*I thought I could use a $1/2 and a B1G1F combined... but wasn't so. So not as good as I'd hoped but still decent I suppose.

What do you think? Get anything good at S&S this week?

3 gave me some sugar:

Amy said...

You always get such great deals! I very rarely do that well. It also sounds like you have some terrific stores where you are that I don't have. Great job!

Lisa B. said...

That's a great deal on the brownies, I hope we get a good deal around here soon on them.

Lindsay said...

Thanks Amy! They don't always work out that well though - I've been waiting forever for these things to be on sale! If you haven't already, check out for deals at your local grocery stores. Sometimes the deals are just hiding! :)

Happy shopping!