Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'd like to thank the academy... and you!

So first of all, I'd like to apologize for being so super behind on my blogging housework! :) I owe some very big thank yous to some very dear friends (both old and new!)

In the past week, I have been nominated for the Lemonade award by Little People Wealth, Debtfreemommy and Frugal Suz !!! This was truly an honor - thank you all!!!!

I'd like to thank Heather for mentioning me in a recent post on "There's no high like low prices." Heather has such a wonderful writing style and she brings humor to almost any situation! She also knows the importance of a good visual - something I truly appreciate!

I'd also like to thank Frugal Jen for all of her recent shout-outs! She always has a ton of great recipes and tips (and she gave me the inspiration to start menu planning) and she's such a sweetie!

These women are all amazing bloggers and being nominated or mentioned by them makes me proud to blog. If you haven't already, please check them out!

p.s.: for you new readers hoping for some tips on rolling your ECBs from last week's post - fear not, I'll be posting round two within the next day or so!

p.p.s: If I've seemed to forgotten you, or haven't responded to a comment, please feel free to comment or email me!

2 gave me some sugar:

frugalsuz said...

Thanks for posting that link to Heather's blog - she's hilarious and I'm totally hooked! :)

JusFrugal said...

Had to show you some sugar too...http://jusgrocerybrags.blogspot.com/2009/01/lemonade-award.html
And thanks so much for being YOU! :)