I bought:
- 1 - Hershey bar ($.50 filler) --- not pictured because DH had it for dessert tonight! :)
- 4 - Glade Glass Scents ($2.50 ea) used two B1G1F MFC's = $5.00 (with $5 ECB back!)
- 1 - Glade Refill ($3.99) = $3.99
- 1 - Glade Plug in ($6.99) used Free wyb refill coupon = FREE (with $5 ECB back for buying $10 worth of Glade!) Thanks Sam for this tip!!! :)
- 1 - Loreal age perfect pro calcium ($15.99) used $2/1 Loreal CRT & $1/1 MFC = $12.99 (with $15.99 ECB back)
- 2 - Dove Energy Glow (Clearanced to $4.00 ea) used $6/2 Dove CRT and two $1.50/1 Dove Lotion MFC = -$1.00
- 2 - Wellpatch Arthritis ($5.99 ea) used raincheck = $.01 ea (with $1 ECB back ea)

Store 2:
- 1 - box false eyelashes (clearanced at $.39) <-- I'm all over these!!!
- 1 - Right Guard Clear Gel ($2.99) used $.55/1 peelie = $2.44 (with $2 ECB back!)
- 1 - Crest Pro Health Whitening ($3.49) used $1/1 = $2.49 (with $3.49 ECB back!)
- 3 - Cristophe smoothing shampoos (Clearanced @ $4.00 ea) used two $5/1 peelies and a $5/3 CRT = -$3 overage!
- 1 - Essence of Beauty Hand soap (Clearanced @ $1.25) used $2/1 EOB from CVS handbook received from a coupon train! :) = -$.75 overage!
- 2 - Wellpatch Arthritis ($5.99 ea) used raincheck = FREE (with $1 ECB back ea)
*Just noticed the cashier didn't put in the Right Guard Peelie. Sad face!
Total: $.12 OOP
Received 3 ECB for Wellpatch** (These got put in 3 extra times and had to be returned...), $3.49 ECB for Crest and $2 ECB for Right Guard = $8.49 profit!!!!!!!!
**I had horrendous problems trying to get my free wellpatches with my rebate from last month. AT BOTH STORES. If DH and my dad didn't both use/love them I just wouldn't bother. I'm nor even going to get into the stores about both of these transactions.... grrr.

ps: see more CVS scenarios @ The Centsible Sawyer !
2 gave me some sugar:
Looks like you made a profit on those Glade warmers, right? I think I'm headed back to CVS tomorrow! :)
My Glade freebie Qs came from a SS insert...10/12 I think?
As for bzzagent, I sign on and look at the websites under the frogpond tab...if you take 2 of the surveys in that section per month, your status goes up and you get invited to more things.
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