Saturday, October 4, 2008

Grocery "brag"

Here's what I bought at Stop and Shop & Big Y!
I'm too lazy to list everything here's a visual:

  • -13.73 (Big Y)
  • -6.61 (Stop and Shop) They wouldn't let me use more than 3 catalinas! :(
Watch me track my spending here.

4 gave me some sugar:

Laurie said...

I bought pierogies today too!! They're my favorite :-)

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

Have you used the litter before? I'm not so sure my pack is going to like it. At least it doesn't smell as bad as the last recycled pellet style I tried!

JusFrugal said...

Okay lazy bones what was your total? What were the best deals?? LOL... not bragging if you leave out the important stuff! Inquiring minds want to know! lol

Lindsay said...

Storm, I just bought the litter- not sure how I feel about it but it's free! ;) Reminds me of the stuff we used in our gerbil cages!