- 14 - Easy Mac cups ($.75 ea) used seven $1/2 coupons = $3.50 (or $.25 cents ea!)
- 1 - Kraft Dressing ($2.57) used free wyb 3 kraft products coupon (the easy mac's technically work for these!) = FREE
- 1 - Package Oscar Mayer Cheese dogs ($2.50) used free wyb 3 kraft products coupon = FREE!
- 1 - package of small plastic cups ($1.56) perfect for jello shots.... ;)
- 1 - bag Iams Premium ($6.97) used free item coupon = FREE
- 4 - Kotex liners ($1.00) used four $1/1 coupons = FREE
- 2 - Franks Red Hot Sauce ($.88 ea) used $1/2 = $.38 cents ea!
- 1 - Crystal Light ($2.98) used free wyb 3 kraft products coupon = FREE!
- 6 - packets of Koolaid ($.20 cents ea) - for free kraft product
Total after coupons =$7.23

2 gave me some sugar:
That is awesome girl!! Let me know when you are servin the jello shots!!! LOL
are you going to use all that kotex to insulate your house for the winter? ;)
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