- 4 - Robitussin (supposed to be $6.49 ea B1G1 rang up 2/$5.49) used three $3/1 and one $1/1 coupon from Wyeth. - This should have generated a 10 RR wyb 3 or more but since it didn't 10.98 - 10.00 in coupons = $.98 for four.
- 1 - Revlon Nail Polish ($4.49) used $2/1 coupon and will send out for $4.49 easy saver rebate = -$2.00 after rebate!
- 3 - Gillette Shaving Creams ($1.99 ea) used two $1/1 coupons - would have been 3/$1 but the $3 RR didn't print!!! :( = 3 for $3.97
- 1 - Lypsyl chapstick ($1.99) will be free after es rebate!
- 1 - Crest Pro Health Whitening ($2.99) used $1/1 = -$1.00 after ESR!
Used $3 in RR that I had and used $8.84 on ESR gift card
after ESR my total will be = -63 cents!
I had a crappy day at Walgreens - two different Register Rewards didn't print and I spent a long time on the phone trying to get ahold of the district manager. WHY? Because instead of giving me cash or trying to figure out why the RR didn't print, the "store manager" (who isn't because I go there so much I know who he is) handed me a Kelloggs RR form that needed to post marked by today. Grrr... So I'll see if anyone returns my calls tomorrow and if not, I'll just bring the shaving cream back (the Robitussins were too cheap to return!)

3 gave me some sugar:
Did he try all the registers to see if it would print at a different one? Whenever my RR's haven't printed I usually ended up having to follow him to the photo or cosmetics register. He then would return the items and then re-ring them (only the RR items) up as another sale. Then usually for me they will print out. I think because those 2 registers are used less, the machines tend to work better for whatever reason.
I think from now on, if I know a RR is supposed to print, Im just going to automatically go to photo or cosmetics just in case. Too often I've had issues w/them not printing out, its such a hassle.
I am not very happy with Walgreens either. I don't think their system is very reliable. I have trouble everytime I go there!! How have you been??
I hate when thing dont go as planned GRRR! This happens to me alot at Wags and everytime I say we are threw. But somehow like a sad adiction I keep going back for more. My Walgreens is pretty awesome the manager there just issues me a gift card when my RR's dont print.
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