Monday, September 8, 2008

Wags - It's an addiction (9/8)

I bought:
  • 1 - Schick Quatro razor cartridge refill ($4.99) used $4/1 coupon = 99 cents
  • 3 - Robitussin cough syrups (@$3.99 ea) used three $3/1 coupons from (*use different email addresses to get unique code numbers!) = 99 cents ea before RR (-67 cents ea or -$2.03 for all three after RR!)
  • 1 - Aveeno facial cleanser - once again I thought it was a moisturizer! (Clearanced @ $2.37) used $2/1 = 37 cents
  • 1 - Crest Pro Health Mouth wash ($4.49) used $1/1 coupon = -$1.00 after RR ! ($3.49 before RR)
  • 1 - Visine ($3.99) used $3/1 coupon from recent insert & $2 ES coupon = FREE!
$6.92 + 19 cents tax
used $3/$10 purchase (it's a grand opening special at this particular store)
= $4.00 (used gift card from ES rebates)

received back $4.49 (Crest Pro Health) & $5.00 (Robitussin/Wyeth wyb 3) - The robitussin should have been a $10 RR but prodding the cashier didn't work and there was a line behind me so I just had to suck it up this time. gahhhhhhh. Well I guess a $5.49 profit isn't so bad :)

0 gave me some sugar: