Monday, August 25, 2008

Mighty Dog & Dog food coupon giveaway!

Since DH and I are currently puppy-less, I thought I'd share some dog food coupons.
Leave me a comment with your dog's name, as well as your email and/or blog address and you will be entered to win a lot of dog food and dog treat coupons. (With atleast five coupons for free cans of Mighty Dog.) I will pick the winner randomly on Wednesday morning.

25 gave me some sugar:

Melissa said...

I'm Melissa and I have a 4 yo chihuahua (my pride and joy) named Blue!

OnlyOnSale said...

Hello! I have a pup named Wuff. I love that little guy and he LOVES wet food!

Kristin said...

I have a puggle puppy named Parker. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Our dog is James. He loves the free cans of Mighty Dog I bring home.

Windy said...

Hi, I'm Windy! I have a Jack Russell named Franklin (after the little cartoon turtle that my son loves) WindyCobourne @ gmail dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

oh the Pudgy Princess would love being on the receiving end of this! :)

Frugal Home School Mom said...

We have a dachshund who is 13 years old and this is the only dog food she will eat. She would appreciate it very much. Our money has been really tight lately, so I would too!

lesley said...

Alfie is 10+ yrs old and is missing several teeth. He would love the Mighty Dog because we refuse to buy him dentures.

Idaho Jill said...

We have 2 dogs-Vegas & Bailey. We always mix a tablespoon of mighty dog with their dry food! Thanks!

Carolyn said...

I had 1 of the free coupons and lost it in Walmart! I'd love to get 5!

Free Is Fun said...

My sweet old dog Fred would love some canned food.

Anonymous said...

oscar and simon would love some!!

Johanna B said...

I have two Huskies. One is named Howard (we got him from the humane society and he was already named). The other is Cinnamon. They love Mighty Dog.

Megan said...

We're the proud parents of a hyper cock-a-poo, B.P.

He keeps us on our toes.

Mrs.Wilson said...

We have a Scooby Doo! Not really! Scooby doo is a Chihuahua and loves, I say LOVES Mighty Dog Food!! Our other dog, is an austrailian Shepphard, and she will eat anything, but Mighty Dog Food is definetly Scooby Girl's thing!

seesawstar said...

We've got two spoiled brats currently: Chloe (a rotten rotti-boxer mix) and Chip (a ball obsessed sheltie-rat terrier). They love canned food treats.

Hollie @ Happy Couponing said...

The littlest member of our Fort Worth family is Jackson, a 6 year old Chihuahua. He would love to win some FREE! goodies to munch on!

Mindy said...

Hi! I'm Mindy and have a Maltese named Lola. Thanks for the giveaway! My name will link to our blog.

Anonymous said...

i'm sure clio would be ecstatic if i told her she'd won such loot! :) great giveaway!

IVANAFLA said...

My name is "LuLu Bella" and I'm a precious Jackhuahua (JR terrier & chihuahua mix) and I love me some mighty dog paweeeeeeeeeeese?!?
With lotsa of puppy love,

IVANAFLA said...

My Lulu would love her some Mighty Dog! Lotsa puppy kisses!

flarffy2000 said...

My furr-kids name is Blossom. She is a 3 1/2 yr old shih-tzu and she wears the pants at our house!:)

Anonymous said...

I have a 6 year old German Shepard mix named Chelsea and a 4 year old Jack Russell Terrier/Beagle mix named Libby...and they both love Mighty Dog! =)

katherine said...

Thanks! Our dog's name is Chevy.


dawn said...

My 3 yr old golden retriever "puppy" is named Betty Spaghetti. She loves to share her freebie dog food and treats we sometimes get with her pals at GRRAND (Golden Retriever Rescue). Thanks for the contest.