2 - Electrasol dw detergents (Grand opening special $1.50ea) - $2 MIR = 50 cents ea!!!
1 - Fructis Conditioner ($2.99) used $1/1 from another bottle ;) - FAR = -$1
1 - Fructis Mask ($2.99) used another $1/1 - FAR = -$1
1 - Colgate toothpaste ($.99) used $1/1= FREE!
2 - Speed stick deodorants ($.99 ea) used $1/2= 50 cents ea!
4- 4 packs of Friskies Cat food (Grand opening sale $.77 ea!) =$3.08
With my coupons everything evened out to be free (after rebates) except for the cat food! :)
Get anything good at Rite Aid this week? I know Laurie and I did!
*FAR= Free after rebate!
0 gave me some sugar:
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