So after the awesome deal I got on the Ascensia Contour glucose monitor I gave in and started CVSing with a second card. (It is "my husband's"). I have been holding off on using the second card because I didn't want to spend any money OOP to "start" this card. BUT, I was given a CVS money card after I had to return some items last week, so I used that.
Here's what I got:
2 Ascensia Contour's (Used 2 free product coupons -each monitor generated 14.99 in ECB - this means that I made 14.99 on each one.)
1 Maalox liquid 5.49
1Gas X chewables 5.79
These generated $10 in ECB which means (so it cost $1.28 for both)
1 Air Wick Freshmatic Mini $4.99 -used $4/1 coupon (from airwick.com)
2 Colgate toothpastes -B1G1- $2.39 used 2 - $1/1 coupons (so it cost 39 cents for both )
As I said in my last post, I'm trying not to go too crazy until after we move but I think I did pretty decent today!
0 gave me some sugar:
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